1873 Newark High School
Admissions Test

To be admitted you must score 66.66% or better on the entire test.

Pupils will not ask nor teachers answer any questions concerning the examination papers. If the pupils do not understand the language of the question they will say so in their answer.

(Spelling and grammar are straight from the test book with no changes)


1. What is grammatical analysis? What is a compound sentence and what a complex sentence? Give an example of each

2. What is parsing? In the sentence "Give me a book, James," parse the words - give, book, and James.

3. Write two sentences, in one of which an Infinitive phrase shall be the subject and in the other it shall be used as an object. What is a phrase?

4. How is the possessive case of nouns in the plural number formed when the nominative ends in s, and when it does not end in s? Give examples.

5. Analyze the following sentence; "Tame the wild torrent or stem with a straw, the proud surges that sweep o'er the strand."

6. Parse the words tame, surges, that and sweep.

7. Give a synopsis of the verb go in the Indicative mood 3rd person singular and of the verb do in the passive voice Potential mood, 1st person plural number.

8. Give the number of the rule of syntax or the rule itself applicable to each word in the sentence, "Whom shall we send to do the work?"

9. Name all the parts of speech that may be applied to the word "that" and give an example of each.

10. What is a passive verb and how is it formed? How do you distinguish an adjective from an adverb