1873 Newark High School
Admissions Test

To be admitted you must score 66.66% or better on the entire test.

Pupils will not ask nor teachers answer any questions concerning the examination papers. If the pupils do not understand the language of the question they will say so in their answer.

(Spelling and grammar are straight from the test book with no changes)


1. Find the least common multiple of the nine digits (i. e., no numbers were given). Define a least common multiple and a greatest common divisor.

2. If a man make a $1 3/5 on the sale of one sheep, how many sheep must he sell to make $33 3/5?

3. How long will it take a man to walk 194 miles and 92 1/2 rods if he travel 18 miles, 4 furlongs, 10 rods in one day?

4. Give the rule for pointing off the product in the multiplication of decimals and also for pointing of the quo ient in division of decimals. find the area of a circle whose diameter is 10 rods.

5. What is meant by rate per cent? A man bought a quarter of an acre of land for $1,000, and sold it for 30 cents per square foot. What was gained per cent?

6. Give the United States rule for casting interest on notes on which partial payments have been made.

7. If 8 yards of cloth, 1 1/4 yards wide, cost $1.25, what will 10 yards of the same quality cost, 1 1/2 yards wide?

8. The base of a right angled triangle is 40 rods and the perpendicular 30 rods; find the hypothenuse and the area of a square described on the base of the triangle.

9. What is ratio and what is proportion? Illustrate by two methods, that 2/3 is to 1/2 as 3/5 is to 9/20.

10 A man sold 10 barrels of flour for $100 and lost thereby 20 per cent.; he invested the money received for his flour in sugar which he sold at 20 per cent. advance. Did he gain or lose by the operation and how much per cent?